
2011-01-03_11-10-08_335Love stories extend beyond romance. We love our children, the critters in our lives, our friends, and our community. Love connects us to God, the gods, and the spirits of land, sky, and sea. Love binds us across generations to those long gone, those yet to come, and those who show up at just the wrong moment.

Populate the world with quirky people, add a few unlikely coincidences, perhaps a patent impossibility, and turn those loves loose on each other. The results are either hilarious or poignant, passionate or endearing, and sometimes all of these at once. That’s the world in which I write.

This site is for all the people who enjoy my stories. Telling and listening to stories is a shared experience. The writers I’ve enjoyed reading the most have created engaging characters that live beyond the story, characters I find myself imagining in different situations long after I’ve laid the book down.

Through the blog, I hope that we can celebrate some of my more memorable characters together, chat about some of the underlying ideas, and explore ideas I’m chewing on that might get rolled into future work. Our conversation is likely to have an impact on what I write and, if I hear an idea that fires me up, I’m definitely going to riff on it. 🙂

This site also lets me inform readers where they can read more, what I’m working on at the moment, and where I’m likely to show up. Please sign up for the mailings so you can receive timely information about upcoming events. I limit mailings to no more than one or two a month. I promise you won’t be inundated.

So welcome to my den! Pull up a chair, check out the blog, peruse the publications, read one of the free stories, and sign up for the mailing list so you can find out about upcoming events. Then let’s imagine together.

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